Abbey Art Works Hosting Student Exhibit

Opening Reception for Marta Ittenbach Showing is May 28

SAINT BENEDICT – Marta Ittenbach began taking classes at Abbey Art Works nearly two years ago to revive her enthusiasm and focus and learn techniques she thought she lacked as a self-trained artist. Now she’s preparing for her first gallery showing, “Just Scratching the Surface,” with copperplate etching instructor Phillip Sage.

The show’s opening reception is set for Sunday, May 28, from 2-4:30 p.m. at Abbey Art Works on the grounds of Saint Joseph Abbey near Covington. The exhibit will hang in the Abbey Art Works building through June.

“It’s not so much a ‘gallery show’ as a combination of a student/teacher show as well as descriptive of the old school physical process of copperplate etching and intaglio printing,

Marta said. “There will be 12 etching drawings, plates, and various ‘states,’ which will be displayed to show the progression of the prints.”

Marta has worked in pastel, acrylic, and oil and said she is also self-taught in woodburning and sculpting. She was previously involved with the Jefferson Art Guild and the Metairie Art Guild but moved to the Northshore just before the COVID pandemic shut everything down. She said she felt isolated at home, and a friend told her about Abbey Art Works and the Isolation Art Challenge. She participated in that program then later connected with Artist in Residence Lyn Hill Taylor and began taking her art class.

“I saw Marta’s need to focus on a highly regimented and demanding art form, and I suggested she work with Phillip in the printmaking studio,” Taylor said. “Etching is a demanding art form, and we are fortunate to have Phillip Sage as our printmaking director. (Marta’s) enthusiasm and determination are worthy of notice and praise.”

Taylor said Abbey Art Works is fortunate to work with Sage and other talented artist instructors, whose guidance and encouragement bring out the best in their students. She said she hopes this exhibit is just the first effort to highlight a deserving student and instructor.

The reception is open to the public. Abbey Art Works is located at 75376 River Road in Saint Benedict.


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